Welcome to Historical MX
Dr. Jeffrey L. Littlejohn and Dr. Charles V. Heath are faculty members in the Department of History at Sam Houston State University. They founded Historical MX (historicalmx.org) in 2016 in order to showcase the work of their students and to share the history of Mexico with the public.
Undergraduate and graduate students at Sam Houston State University conducted the research on which the entries are based. The curators and contributors at historicalmx.org are committed to making these stories available and accessible to everyone interested in the history of Mexico.
What is Historical MX?
Historical MX is a collection of histories that paints a wide-ranging portrait of the history of Mexico that is freely available to scholars, teachers, and the general public. Students from a variety of courses at Sam Houston State University write these stories. Creating a story for Historical Mexico gives them the opportunity to learn history by doing the work—researching, writing, and publishing—of a historian. The title of the website reflects our professional and ethical commitment to understanding the history of Mexico, our “sister republic” to the south, as a public conversation about the importance of the past for our actions, values, and beliefs in the present and for the decisions we make today that will affect our lives and relationships—and those who come after us—tomorrow.
Charles V. Heath and Jeffrey L Littlejohn
Curators, Historical MX Co-Directors
Study Abroad History in Mexico